Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 9, 2009
Family Reunion at the Class Reunion
From the Pacific Coast To The Fourth Coast In 2010
Old Friends Reunite on Facebook
Monday, October 26, 2009
Reunion Ticket Deposits Paid Now Aid In Our Overall Success

Greetings Classmates,
As we finalize the booking for our 30th class reunion at Camp Copneconic in Fenton, Michigan on Saturday, November 20th, 2010, we need your help.
Whether you plan on attending or not, a $15 per person ticket deposit is needed in order to finalize our venue reservation. These deposits will be applied to your ticket purchase and the deposit is refundable if you later decide you are not attending the reunion.
Your early participation in our planning is a good indicator of how successful we are getting the word out.
Please send a check for $15 ($30 for a couple) made out to:
“Holly High Class of 80 Reunion Fund”
mailed to:
Holly High Class of 80 Reunion
c/o Wendy Liebert
140 N Main St
Zionsville, IN 46077
Please include your name, email address, (or mailing address if you don’t have an email) & phone number.
Send a check tomorrow and help the class of 1980 have a memorable reunion!
Big thanks!
The reunion committee:
Wendy Curtis Liebert-Class Historian
Dottie Rivers Knutson
Nancy Dryer Deeb-Class Secretary
Mark Grajcar-Class Treasurer & Reunion Treasurer
Jim Ferris
Kelly Mills Sherrill
Suzy Murphy Taggart
Jacqui Horchak Blackwood
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Save the Date, November 20th, 2010
We have great news. A venue and date for our 30th reunion has been decided. I will be adding important details to this site as we mold and shape the plans, as well as sending out emails when all is finalized.
Our 30th class reunion will be on:
Saturday, November 20th, 2010 (the Saturday before Thanksgiving.)
at the main lodge of Camp Copneconic in Fenton, Michigan.
Camp Copneconic (cope-neck-con-ick or as I've been referring to as Camp Cope-neck-Harry Connick Jr. until I've committed it to my thick skull) is a 700 acre YMCA camp, approximately six miles north of downtown Fenton. They are a popular venue for receptions, conferences, fundraisers, and parties. They have an impressive in-house catering facility providing a wide selection party menu.
This will be a "Jeans & Jewels" (in some circles referred to "Denim & Diamonds" aka dressy casual) event. It was important to me that we welcome our 4th decade out of high school feeling comfortable and celebratory without the typical class reunion awkwardness.
Check back for more details over the next year and look out for emails. If you don't think I have your email address, please write me at fotonuvo1@yahoo.com
I am still in need of digital files of old photos from school and recent photos of you, your family, or fun times with other classmates over the years.
High-fives and hugs,
Wendy and the committee.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Indiana University "Home"coming

Yesterday, Nancy Dryer Deeb, her husband, and her parents, hosted a lovely tailgate across from the football stadium in Bloomington, Indiana. This is the first time Nancy, Melanie (Payne) and I have been at the same IU location at the same time...we've tried in the past...and finally succeed.
Although, it was a bit cool, the sun did try to break through a two-day shroud to help warm our smiling faces.
I tell these stories over and over again. I don't remember a lot, but I do remember moving to Holly as a very shy first-grader and Nancy being assigned as my "buddy" to show me the ins and outs of Holly Elementary. One time we went on a field trip and we were first in a long line of kids. I remember Nancy having the energy of 20 kids and dragging me by the hand all over the place with the rest of the class behind us like pairs of ducks.
The other great memory I have of Nancy was as cheerleaders and at practice one day, I told her to stand on my windows instead of my shoulders. It remained an inside joke for quite a while.
The story I tell of Melanie is her sleepover birthday party in 3rd grade. We all slept on the Payne family pontoon boat on Holly Lake. In the morning, we woke up to bright sun breaking through thick fog and were all wet from dew. We were not our best selves that morning...late night, ha!
Indiana University has room for more kids of the class of 1980; great people, wonderful campus, beautiful town. Go Hoosiers!
Have you met with classmates over the years and have photos? Please share! Send them to me at fotonuvo1@yahoo.com
Details of our 2010 reunion are not finalized, but we are close. Word coming in the near future.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
USS Blue Ridge & Classmate Thom Burke Make a Splash in Cairns, Australia
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Classmate Firefighters
On opposite ends of this great country we have:
Bob Lowande

Jim Laatsch

Thom Burke

(April 20, 2009) PACIFIC OCEAN--Capt. Thom W. Burke USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) looks towards the horizon as Blue Ridge pulls into WHITE BEACH, Okinawa. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Matthew D. Jordan /Released)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Chris Vaughan

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Today's Lottery Numbers Are...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Dear Sue, Happy Birthday to Me (25th) & You (26th)...

The older I am, the more sappy nostalgic I become. I happy cry. Daily. Hallmark Hall of Fame movies? Forget it. I get the ugly face.
Sue Lau Hansen and I have been friends over 30 years. Just as I am finalizing child rearing, she is approaching it's peak. She and Jan have two adorable girls that I hate not seeing more. They, as well as Jan's family, always welcome me so warmly when I stop in for a visit. Again, not often enough. I hope to remedy that after Taylor is away at school.
Sue, love you. Happy 37th birthday.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Why I'm a New Fan of Facebook

and one of the nicest guys in our Facebook group, Gerald Baker today.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Reunion Train in Colorado

Friday, February 13, 2009
Daddy's Girl
I asked Mary to write something about her dad for our reunion blog. Below are the photos and essay she sent me.
Doug Pinter
So what can I tell you about Doug Pinter? Well, after high school, he married Cheryl Greene, and they had two daughters, myself (Mary) and Rachel. He worked for many years as a Cat Scan Technician for Henry Ford Hospitals, but found his true passion in computers. He received a CNE certification and worked as a “computer guy” at Chrysler. In 2004 he was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), and he passed away from complications of that disease in May of 2007. I guess that covers the basics.
To say that he was a great man wouldn’t be saying enough. He meant, and still means everything to me. He instilled in me the drive and faith to follow my passion. He told me once that if you follow your passion, you will never have just a “job”, because you will love what you are doing. My dad truly cared about people. It’s really a hard thing to find these days. I have heard so many stories in the past few years of how my dad has touched other people. He reminded people of their love for life and for their families. He loved HIS family. He meant so much to so many people, and still does. All he ever wanted to do was to touch other people, to make their day a little bit brighter. I know that even with that disease he felt certain people on his heart. He remembered that there were people who NEEDED his love and concern, and maybe through his example they would understand. He was my biggest fan. He drove me to every little activity in my life (and boy I had a lot of them growing up). He was always present at every concert, football game, tennis game……anything I had going on. He was a great example to me. He treated people with love and compassion. He always cared about every other person more than himself. He made other people want to do their best. He led by example. He wouldn’t tell others how to act or how to be, but he would show them. He was a man of great faith. He discovered great faith through the apostolic church. He believed it was his responsibility to show his family that God was very important, and being involved in church was as well. He wanted to win souls, and he strived to help the backslider. He was in the church Easter play for years and loved reaching out to people through it. He is someone to be looked up to. I have been blessed with a wonderful man to have called my father. He was there when no one else was. He made sure I knew that God could do miracles. Through his example I know what love is, I know what courage is, I know what passion is, and I know what it means to have faith. I’ve realized that he had the greatest faith of any man I’ve ever known. Even staring down the barrel of an incurable disease he had faith that it was for a reason. He pushed through with a smile on his face even in the hardest days. I know every day I will strive to follow in those footsteps. There is so much more I could say about him, so many stories I could tell. But in the end nothing will ever fully capture what an amazing person he was. And nothing will fill the void he left when he had to leave us.
Please, if you look back into your high school photos and find one where he is even standing in the background, or if you have a story to share about him, email them to lucky.lady01@yahoo.com . I am working on a scrapbook of pictures and stories of his life so that one day I will be able to show my children or grandchildren the man who taught me so much in such a short amount of time.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Classmate Success Story!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Melanie Payne Rocks

Associate Director of Orientation Programs.