Monday, August 18, 2008

Forty...yes, forty years ago

My family didn't move to Holly until Valentine's Day 1969, so these school portraits would have been taken late in the school year. The average cost of a new home was $28k, median household income was $9K, a first-class postage stamp cost 6 cents and a gallon of gas set you back 35 cents.

Can anyone confirm that the upper right photo is Rex Brown? He once came over to play and threw my baton in the air and let it hit the ground, bending it in half.

I always that thought our principle, Mr. Mance had a kind face.

Lord, I've had bangs for 40 years.

Anyone with composites from Davisburg and Patterson Elementaries is welcome to send digital scans to me for the blog at .

I owe my mother this one....

As I said before, my family has dozens of books of photographs. Some are here with me in Indianapolis, but the majority of the "archive" is with my parents upnorth. When I started this blog, I thought I had all my books out. Today, I took one more look on my closet shelf and found one more. Inside the front cover of the album, in my Mother's lovely handwriting is:

To Wendy
From Mom
Christmas 1995

I really wanted you to have these pictures and there are more where they came from.

It's amazing how these pictures awaken so many happy memories. I have saved you a lot of old family pictures too and other albums will probably be forthcoming.

Always remember what a beautiful wonderful person you are and the children that is always in you.


I had completely forgotten about the album, as well as this black and white 8x10 from 1972.

The Holly Elementary Gymnastic Team (Fifth and sixth graders. I remember we once went to Davisburg Elementary during school hours and did a tumbling demonstration.)
(Top row, left to right) Janet Malotte, Crystal McCain, Theresa McWilliams, gym teacher, Cindy Baurer, Tammy Mix, Moe Flanigan, Stephanie Valek, Maggie Brooks. (Bottom row left to right) Linda Edick, Wendy Curtis, Deanne Carnes, Dee Wyckoff, Richard Hargis, Joe Fleckenstein, Kris Lussier, Jan Swartz, Nancy Dryer.