By February.
I've told twenty if each of those twenty told two and those two told two more, by February we should have email contact with the majority of our class. To keep expenses down, I think it would be wonderful to have 95 percent of the reunion planned via the Internet.
In February, what classmates we don't have email addresses for, I'll be mailing postcards to. We have plenty of mailing addresses and phone numbers, but cold calling is never fun when you aren't in the mood to tell dozens of classmates that you ended up in Indiana being held against your will for the last twenty years. (You know I jest.)
Next, video. Years ago, I worked a class reunion. One of the alumni was into video production and visited a handful of classmates in what I'd call a "What are they doing now..." short film, projected on a large screen for all to see. It was lively and funny and bright; not to mention, caused the entire place to erupt with laughter. That is what I would like to do for our 30th. So....
Digital is the medium. If you have a digital video camera and are visiting your classmate friends in the next year and a half, please interview each other, or ask that someone interview you both together. Just a few minutes.
Use your imagination!
For right addresses...don't make me cold call...
Air hugs,
Wendy & the committee (there is still plenty of room for more committee members. No meetings! You only need Internet and a phone!)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
1980 Holly Junior Miss Competition

(lower left clockwise to lower right) Susan Alexander, Cheryl Cichocki, Janet Malotte, Cheryl Green, Laurie Goodearl, Julie Miller, Michelle Tuson
I awoke this morning to find these lovely ladies in my inbox. This is exactly what this blog is about. Celebrating our memories with the sharing of images. Three snaps for Jim and Laurie (Goodearl) Ferris!

Monday, August 18, 2008
Forty...yes, forty years ago

My family didn't move to Holly until Valentine's Day 1969, so these school portraits would have been taken late in the school year. The average cost of a new home was $28k, median household income was $9K, a first-class postage stamp cost 6 cents and a gallon of gas set you back 35 cents.
Can anyone confirm that the upper right photo is Rex Brown? He once came over to play and threw my baton in the air and let it hit the ground, bending it in half.
I always that thought our principle, Mr. Mance had a kind face.
Lord, I've had bangs for 40 years.
Anyone with composites from Davisburg and Patterson Elementaries is welcome to send digital scans to me for the blog at .
I owe my mother this one....
As I said before, my family has dozens of books of photographs. Some are here with me in Indianapolis, but the majority of the "archive" is with my parents upnorth. When I started this blog, I thought I had all my books out. Today, I took one more look on my closet shelf and found one more. Inside the front cover of the album, in my Mother's lovely handwriting is:
To Wendy
From Mom
Christmas 1995
I really wanted you to have these pictures and there are more where they came from.
It's amazing how these pictures awaken so many happy memories. I have saved you a lot of old family pictures too and other albums will probably be forthcoming.
Always remember what a beautiful wonderful person you are and the children that is always in you.
I had completely forgotten about the album, as well as this black and white 8x10 from 1972.
The Holly Elementary Gymnastic Team (Fifth and sixth graders. I remember we once went to Davisburg Elementary during school hours and did a tumbling demonstration.)

(Top row, left to right) Janet Malotte, Crystal McCain, Theresa McWilliams, gym teacher, Cindy Baurer, Tammy Mix, Moe Flanigan, Stephanie Valek, Maggie Brooks. (Bottom row left to right) Linda Edick, Wendy Curtis, Deanne Carnes, Dee Wyckoff, Richard Hargis, Joe Fleckenstein, Kris Lussier, Jan Swartz, Nancy Dryer.
To Wendy
From Mom
Christmas 1995
I really wanted you to have these pictures and there are more where they came from.
It's amazing how these pictures awaken so many happy memories. I have saved you a lot of old family pictures too and other albums will probably be forthcoming.
Always remember what a beautiful wonderful person you are and the children that is always in you.
I had completely forgotten about the album, as well as this black and white 8x10 from 1972.
The Holly Elementary Gymnastic Team (Fifth and sixth graders. I remember we once went to Davisburg Elementary during school hours and did a tumbling demonstration.)

(Top row, left to right) Janet Malotte, Crystal McCain, Theresa McWilliams, gym teacher, Cindy Baurer, Tammy Mix, Moe Flanigan, Stephanie Valek, Maggie Brooks. (Bottom row left to right) Linda Edick, Wendy Curtis, Deanne Carnes, Dee Wyckoff, Richard Hargis, Joe Fleckenstein, Kris Lussier, Jan Swartz, Nancy Dryer.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Candy "Pinky" Petroni
So the other night I'm flipping through our senior year yearbook. In the 'wills' section I spot, "I, Ida Hallet, will Candy Petroni my knuckles in my baby fingers."
I had a flashback....and searched for photographic evidence...

Spring Break motel balcony, Daytona Beach, March 1980 (Left to right) Kim Bentley, Jenny Leach, Candy Petroni, Michele Tuson, Vickie Hillman
I remember when Candy brought her developed Spring Break photos to school, that most of them had one of her pinkie fingers blocking the lens because of the absence of pinkie knuckles. I remember her self-deprecation, her disappointment beneath the laughs. Bless her heart. Heart hug Candy.
When I gave birth to my daughter, Taylor, she was screaming and her hands were clenched in tiny fists with her pinkies extended straight out. I remember being in a patient PANIC while I waited to hold her so that I could confirm that she had all of her fingers and toes. Remembering Candy and her comedic timing, her wit, kept me from blowing a postpartum gasket in the delivery room. Thanks Candy.
I had a flashback....and searched for photographic evidence...

Spring Break motel balcony, Daytona Beach, March 1980 (Left to right) Kim Bentley, Jenny Leach, Candy Petroni, Michele Tuson, Vickie Hillman
I remember when Candy brought her developed Spring Break photos to school, that most of them had one of her pinkie fingers blocking the lens because of the absence of pinkie knuckles. I remember her self-deprecation, her disappointment beneath the laughs. Bless her heart. Heart hug Candy.
When I gave birth to my daughter, Taylor, she was screaming and her hands were clenched in tiny fists with her pinkies extended straight out. I remember being in a patient PANIC while I waited to hold her so that I could confirm that she had all of her fingers and toes. Remembering Candy and her comedic timing, her wit, kept me from blowing a postpartum gasket in the delivery room. Thanks Candy.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Fresh from the vault...

Remember Sagebrush jeans? As I recall, you went to the Sagebrush store and there were walls of bins filled with various sizes and shapes of Levis jeans. Long before the pre-wash days, those new Levis from the Sagebrush store could stand up in the corner on their own. They were like wearing blue sandpaper. I always hated needing a new pair because of the commitment involved. You had a relationship with your jeans back then.
I don't remember a lot of details from 1976, but I do remember how I felt. Naivete is often a blessing.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
1990 Called......
My Crazy Imaginary Dinner Party

Occasionally, over the years, Richard Hargis and his famous red & white Coke hat and jacket just pop into my consciousness like a strange 70's slide show. This kid could work a room. He was intoxicating before I even knew what intoxication was. Fun, hyper and just plain fun; he ran the show. He was a lead man, the likes of Peter Frampton and Roger Daltrey.
Recently, I saw Richard's name on one of the commercial classmate sites. I'm hoping that someone will get word to him that he's got an open invitation to my imaginary dinner party. He'll be sitting between Condoleezza Rice and Mike Rowe.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Earliest Photograph I Have....

Here's a start. (Back row, left to right) Karen VanWagner, Cindy Ormiston, Vickee Vanconant, Becky Waller, Wendy Curtis, Janice Ashley.
I need help with the (middle row, left to right)Don't know, Jan Irwin, don't know, Kelly Mills, Nancy Dryer, don't know.
(Front row, left to right) Heather Vaughn, Janie Mendez, Natalie Summers, Janet Malotte, Sandi Wilmer.
"Icon" You Say Leroy Murley?

(Ranger Leroy Murley takes a break at the park.)
How lucky were we to be taught by this man? For many years, Kim Bentley, Scott Steele, and I, enjoyed his personality all year round as we all worked at Groveland Oaks for many summers. If anyone knows how he is doing, please share. Perhaps a greeting card drive is in order.
I realize that all of us had different experiences growing up in Holly. That is why your participation is so important!!!! I want to hear from you. Send your photos to and tell me the story behind them!

In middle school, I was crazy about Marty Krueger. I couldn't get enough of him. I remember signing up for bowling (I hate bowling) just to get an extra hour with him.

Sure he had an attitude, but that was just Marty...always brutally honest. I remember praying that he would stop treating me like just "one of the boys."

One thing about Marty, although he'd hate to admit it, he loved his friends and strived to be a good son. He was beautiful.

We miss you Marty.
Holly Elementary at Camp Has-Been-A-Wreck

(Top row, left to right) Elaine Reeves, Kim Bentley, Dee Dee Wyckoff. (Middle row) Bev Roos. (Bottom row, left to right) Deanna Carnes, Nancy Dryer, Kelly Mills.

I love photography. Always have. My parents bought their first camera, a Polaroid Land, in the mid-60's and just took off. My family and I have books and books and boxes of images. I'm so grateful to have them...because my memory fades a tiny bit everyday.
If you are interested in receiving email about our 30 year reunion, please write me at and I will put you on the list. I will also accept digital scans of old photos at this address. So please share! I'll put your photos in the blog!
I will be sharing links on this site to websites featuring our classmates; some of you are blowing my mind!!!
Please send the link to this blog to our fellow classmates. Early participation by as many folks as we can gather will only make our next reunion greater.
Feel free to leave a comment (you do not have to subscribe to blogger) by clicking on comments and follow the directions. I will be monitoring all comments until we are well on our way. Please leave your name.
So pour yourself some coffee (or a night cap), get comfy and let's dish about an earlier time.
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